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Friday, September 08, 2006

True Blu? Sony's Blu-Ray

Blu-Ray is one of the two formats competing for the next generation of home video and has been developed by a group of consumer electronics companies spearheaded by Sony.

Of the two formats, Blu-Ray is the bigger technological departure from DVD which means a more complicated manufacturing process but also bigger capacity. Currently a single layer disc stores 25 GB and 50 GB dual-layer discs are also available. The latter can hold 9 hours of high-definition video or 23 hours of regular video. 100 GB and even 200 GB discs are also being developed.

Such enormous storage means that Blu-Ray discs can be used to back up your computer hard drive; Sony laptops and desktops with blu-ray recorders are already available. As camcorders become more common and hard-drives overflow with enormous video files, high-capacity optical discs will become increasingly useful.

However what may determine the fate of Blu-ray is the number of popular titles which are available. So far there are more than 30 titles including the martial arts epic: House of Flying Daggers, the comedy Hitch and the award-winning Crash. A couple of this summer’s blockbusters: Superman Returns and Mission Impossible 3 are due to be released later this year.


At 10:16 PM, Blogger Winsant Dot Com said...

BluRay is expensive as compared to other storage devices.


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